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What is IELTS for UKVI?

Are you looking forward to working or studying in the UK? In order to fulfill that purpose, you will have to apply for a UK Visa and exhibit that you have met the obligatory level of English by taking a UK Home Office approved Secure English Language Test (SELT), such as IELTS for UKVI (Academic and General Training) or IELTS Life Skills.

‘IELTS for UKVI’ is a UK government-approved Secure English Language Test (SELT). This shows that IELTS can be utilized to establish your English language abilities in support of a UK Visa and Immigration (UKVI) application.

Advantages of IELTS for UKVI

Types of IELTS UKVI tests

IELTS Academic

If you are looking forward to studying at the undergraduate or postgraduate level or aiming for professional registration in the UK, IELTS for UKVI (Academic) is the right choice for you.

IELTS general training

IELTS for UKVI(General Training) is apt for all those candidates who wish to migrate, train or study at a lower degree level in the UK.

IELTS Life Skills A1

This test is for all those applicants who are required to prove their English Speaking and Listening skills as part of their application to UK Visas and Immigration for ‘family of a settled person’ visas.

IELTS Life Skills A2

This test is for those who have to demonstrate their English Speaking and Listening skills as part of their application to UK Visas and Immigration for an extension to family, Spouse or Partner visa.  (This test is only offered in the UK)

IELTS Life Skills B1

This test is for those who need to verify their English Speaking and Listening credentials as part of their request to UK Visas and Immigration for indefinite leave to remain or citizenship.

Score requirement at undergraduate and postgraduate level

Students who belong to a country where English is not the first language or the language of inclination (a country of non-native English speakers) must obtain a bare minimum English Language competency level.

Some programs entail a higher level of English Language proficiency than the minimum requirement indicated, you can view further particulars on definite program necessities.

Although there is no passing and failing in an IELTS exam, yet you will be graded in terms of band scores ranging from 1-9, for all the four parts of the test i.e. Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. If you score a low band score it indicates that you are a non-native speaker, whereas if you score better it shows your expertise in the language. Thus, making it easier for you to get admission in the recognized colleges, universities or institutes of the UK.

Undergraduate Level – 5.5 IELTS

Postgraduate Level – 6.5 IELTS

The UKVI IELTS Exam is a tough nut to crack, for which you need proper assistance and training. You can obtain such guidance from the extremely skilled teachers available at North India’s most trusted institution in the field of student Visa, IELTS, and PTE; SK Infotech Study Centre.